Moravian Institute was founded in 1963 by the late Reverend Eliyah Thsetsan Phuntsog of the Moravian Church in Ladakh (Jammu & Kashmir State). It was while he was undertaking the revision of the New Testament in Tibetan for the Bible Society of India in Dehra Dun District, that he met some of the Tibetan Refugees who had just fled from their homeland across the Himalayas. At the request of these Tibetan refugees Rev. Phuntsog started literacy classes for adults and a day school for children with financial support of the Moravian church. Despite hopes to the contrary, the number of children seeking admission to the school kept growing. This, coupled with the continued poverty of the Tibetan refugees in general, compelled Rev. Phuntsog to also house and feed the children. So a boarding home was opened in 1965, funded from 1967 onwards by the world-wide Moravian Church.